Monday, 17 December 2018

Until We Confront Capitalism, We Will Not Solve the Climate Crisis

My interview on Truthout, about global warming and my book Burning Up. "... focus on rich-world hamburger eaters ignores the supply chain that produces such fuel-intensive, unhealthy products". Consumption is not a moral issue, and not mainly by individuals: fossil fuels are consumed by and through technological and economic systems."

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Moving Away From Fossil Fuels Isn't Separate From Moving Towards Social Justice

My take on the Katowice talks, in an interview with The Wire in India. "Obviously, it would be welcome if more nations adopt and improve on their voluntary targets. But we should not live in a world of false hopes. The talks have failed because they have effectively limited action to the adoption of market mechanisms. They have left the industrial and financial elites that control the world’s economies untouched. Thus, they’ve made, and continue to make, decisions that have ensured huge increases in fossil fuel use."

How We Stop the World From "Burning Up"

A chunk of my book Burning Up, published by Truthout in the US. ... transition away from fossil fuels means "developing sustainable technological systems better to meet human need, and changing technological systems together with social and economic ones".

A Brief History of Not Dealing with Climate Change

My interview with Vice News about my book Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption. "Society needs to take this whole process out of the hands of that very small, powerful group of people who claim to be dealing with the problem, because they’re not dealing with the problem."

Russian gas transit through Ukraine after 2019: the options

Gazprom’s pipeline projects that aim to diversify transit away from Ukraine, Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream, are very unlikely to be operating at full capacity by 31 December 2019, when the current transit contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz expires. New contractual arrangements must therefore be agreed – and are being negotiated in an atmosphere of unprecedented friction between the companies. An analysis of the possible outcomes, published by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.